Stewarding the stories of others

Our Mission

To gather and learn as a community of nonprofit practitioners and storytellers how to integrate a new standard of storytelling.

Our Values

As we evolve, we find these values to be pertinent to the core of ethical storytelling.

As storytellers and non-profit participants, we listen to the voice of the constituent as our teacher

We seek to offer a diversity of voices, experiences and opinions

We take a posture of learning, recognizing that failures can be our biggest educators

We are a community that listens to one another, respects one another, and invites collaboration

We offer open and tangible resources to storytellers and non-profit participants

We seek to be evolving in our understanding of ethical storytelling

This website and community was created through conversations, relationships, and a desire to do better. The concepts, conversations and resources provided here have been in existence much longer than this website has. Thank you to all of the individuals and organizations who have been practicing and advocating for Ethical Storytelling long before we organized. We’re honored to have some of those people contribute to this community.

Meet our contributors

Our sponsors

Get Involved

Have a story? Interview for our podcast
Expert in your area? Apply to be a speaker in our webinar

Let’s change the way we tell stories.

Subscribe to our podcast to hear from individuals how they wrestle with and apply Ethical Storytelling in their organization, in their storytelling, and with their donors.